Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tea: The Best White Persian Melon Tea Pluckings

Copyright 2007 Jon M. StoutIf you haven't experienced White Persian Melon tea, you'vemissed a real treat. White Persian Melon tea is a flavorful blendof white tea combined with sweet melon nectar. It's one ofhealthiest and most refreshing beverages you can drink.But, like other teas, some White Persian Melon teas are betterthan others. Making great White Persian Melon tea, of course,requires the best white tea with the best melon flavoring.One of the features that people typically evaluate in determininggood tea is when the tea is plucked. However, this is not thebest way to judge the White Persian Melon Tea you're buying.White tea can only be harvested for about two weeks during Marchand April of each year. White tea, by definition, is a springtea, harvested only from the very first buds the tea plantproduces each year. Harvesting white tea requires particulartemperatures and other environmental conditions.It must be picked when the weather is dry and there has been nofrost the night before. Therefore, all white tea is a "firstplucking" unlike other tea plants, which are plucked multipletimes during the growing season.So, when it comes to choosing the best White Persian Melon Tea,it's more important to understand the best varieties of whitetea, so that you know that your White Persian Melon tea is highquality. These varieties are used by many different companies andcan be found in several different brands of white tea.Bai Hao Yinzhen Tea A Chinese white tea, this is considered thevery finest grade of white tea. It is usually referred to asSilver Needle tea and can only be plucked for a little more thantwo weeks of during March and April. There must be no rain or dewon the ground when it is plucked and there can be no frost. Onlyunopened and undamaged buds are used to produce this white tea.Bai Mu Dan Tea This tea is also grown in China, and isgenerally considered the second highest grade of Yinzhen tea.This tea is also picked during a short timeframe in March andApril and requires correct environmental conditions, too.However, compared to Bai Hao Yinzhen tea, it contains more leavesand fewer buds. The very best tea of this grade uses only the toptwo leaves on the tea plant, along with the unopened bud.Darjeeling White Tea Darjeeling tea is grown in the Darjeelingregion of India, the part of the world famous for Darjeelingblack teas. Darjeeling white tea is a wonderful combination ofthe delicacy of white tea with the muscatel flavor that is uniqueto Darjeeling teas. You'll find several grades of Darjeeling. Tochoose the best, be certain that the tea is 100% Darjeeling.Ceylon White Tea Ceylon tea is produced in Sri Lanka and is oneof the most famous of the black teas. Ceylon white is rare andhighly prized. It has a pale color and a hint of honey in itssweetness.In addition to choosing a White Persian Melon tea that featuresone of the best white tea varieties, it's also important tochoose a tea that gets its melon flavoring from the highestquality sources. The best White Persian Melon tea is flavoredwith melon nectar that has a flavor that is a cross between thetastes of honeydew and cantaloupe.High quality nectar is important to imparting the sweetness andlightness of the melon flavor and to ensuring that the melon'santi-oxidants are protected.Choosing high quality White Persian Melon Tea ensures not onlythat the taste will be as delicious as you expect, but also thatyou'll get all the health benefits you've come to expect fromwhite tea. And, with good White Persian Melon tea, you get evengreater health benefits than with many other white teas.Because white tea is not fermented during processing, it retainsmore anti-oxidants in their most natural state. In addition,melon is a potent source of anti-oxidants, as well. Anti-oxidantsare important to our health because they fight free radicals inour bodies. Free radicals are oxygen containing molecules thatare created as our bodies turn the food we eat into energy.Though they are naturally generated, they cause cell and DNAdamage, which, over time, leads to aging and disease.Anti-oxidants neutralize these free radicals before they candamage our cells and DNA. For this reason, a diet full ofanti-oxidant rich foods like fruits, vegetables and tea, areimportant to keeping us healthy and ensuring that we live a longlife.White tea contains, among others, the anti-oxidant EGCG(epigallocatechin gallate), which is one of the most powerful ofany anti-oxidant. Much research has shown that life longconsumption of the anti-oxidants in white and green tea canprevent cancer, heart disease and many other maladies of aging.Melon contains the anti-oxidant GliSODin, which is another of themost powerful anti-oxidants. GliSODin has been shown toneutralize some of the most powerful free radicals in our bodiesand stimulates our bodies to make its own anti-oxidants. This isespecially important because scientists believe that our ownbody's anti-oxidants are more effective at destroying freeradicals than those we ingest from our diets.So, as you can see, White Persian Melon tea is one of thehealthiest beverages you can add to your diet. Purchase your teafrom the most reputable tea companies to ensure you're buyingonly the best white tea mixed with only the best melon nectar.The delicious and refreshing flavor will be certain to pleaseyour palate while it protects your body.============================================================Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Golden MoonTea Company. For more information about tea,( green tea ( and black tea go to ============================================================Read More Articles From Jon M. Stout: