Friday, June 29, 2007

Do Elevated Homocysteine Levels Increase Risk For Alzheimer'sDisease?

Like many people, you may be asking "what is homocysteine" and wondering how itcould increase your risk of having Alzheimer's Disease. Homocysteine is anamino acid produced naturally by the body, but too much homocysteine in theblood is toxic and can lead to damage and blockage of the arteries and bloodvessels.This makes elevated homocysteine levels a risk factor for vascular disease likeheart disease and stroke. During the last ten years research has revealed apossible connection between vascular disease and the Alzheimer's Disease andother kinds of dementia. "The New England Journal of Medicine" recentlypublished a study that indicates that elevated levels of homocysteine may itselfmay increase older people's risk of Alzheimer's Disease and other forms ofdementia.About the study:A group of researchers at Boston University and Tufts University in Boston beganstudying a subgroup of participants of the Framingham Study during the periodbetween 1986 and 1990.The Framingham Study participants had been having complete physical exams andanswering lifestyle questionnaires every two years since 1948. The subgroup wascomprised of 1,092 men and women with an average age of 76. Participants in thesubgroup were all free of any dementia at their 20th biennial exam. Theseoccurred between the years 1986 and 1990. Blood homocysteine levels were checkedat both the 20th and 16th biennial exams,Participants of the subgroup underwent additional tests beyond those required bythe Framingham Study protocol. Each participant of the subgroup had tests fordementia during the biennial exam from 1986 to December 2000. The results wereevaluated by two neurologists and a neuropsychologist. Each participant was alsotested for an apolipoprotein E gene - a known risk factor for Alzheimer'sDisease.The participant's medical records were reviewed by researchers form their 20thbiennial exam through December 2000 along with their homocysteine measurementsrecorded from their 16th biennial exam. They were specifically looking at howhomocysteine blood levels correlated with Alzheimer's Disease or other dementia.Research findings:It was found that an increase of 5 micromoles of homocysteine per liter of bloodincreased the risk of Alzheimer's Disease by 40%. People with the highest levelsof blood homocysteine had almost double the risk of Alzheimer's and otherdementia as compared to people with lower blood homocysteine. This determinationwas made after accounting for other risk factors.It is important to note that the statistics held true for homocysteine levelsfrom both the 16th and 20th biennial exams. Since Alzheimer's Disease developsslowly, it may be the disease process had begun in some study participants atthe 20th biennial exam but was not yet measurable. It would be very unlikely theparticipants were really free of disease at the 16th biennial exam, eight yearsprior.What does this mean to you?We do know that elevated homocysteine levels may increase the risk of heartdisease and stroke. The study finding now suggest that elevated homocysteinelevels may also increase our risk of Alzheimer's Disease and other conditions ofdementia as we age. However, they didn't go as far as proving elevatedhomocysteine levels an indicator of future Alzheimer's Disease. The participantsage ranged from 68 years to 97 years which makes it unclear whether youngeradults might be at increased risk of Alzheimer's later in life if they haveelevated homocysteine levels.Having said that, several other studies do suggest that keeping homocysteinelevels in check may help prevent blood vessel damage and prevent atherosclerosis(hardening of the arteries). The good news is that it is easy to keep yourhomocysteine levels in the safe range.Vitamin B-12, folic acid and vitamin B-6 when taken in food or supplements hasbeen shown to reduce homocysteine levels in the blood. Although we don't yetknow if this will also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's Disease, the knownbenefits make it worthwhile to make sure you obtain adequate supplies of thesenutrients through diet and supplementation.Foods containing folic acid include:* Fruits and orange juice from concentrate* Green, leafy vegetables* Dried beans and legumes* Liver* Grain products that have been fortified with folic acid, such as cereal,pasta, rice, and breadFoods containing Vitamin B-12 include:* Liver and other meats such as pork and beef* Eggs* Milk and other milk productsVegetarians should note: they must supplement to get their vitamin B-12 asfruits and vegetables contain no vitamin B-12.REFERENCES:Seshadri S, et al. "Plasma homocysteine as a risk factor for dementia andAlzheimer's Disease", "New England Journal of Medicine", February 14,2002;346(7):476-483.Loscalzo J., "Homocysteine and dementias", "New England Journal of Medicine",February 14, 2002;346(7):466-468.Tom Nuckels owns Customers range from children to the elderly,from carpenters to doctors. Learn what liquid vitamins and phytonutrients can dofor you, visit http://www.lpvitamins.comRead articles at

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wu Long Teas And Weight Loss After The Holidays

For most people the holidays like Christmas, Chanukah and NewYears are special occasions that allow families to reunite andspend quality time together. Accompanying the festivities areoften parties and dinners that can result in weight gain. Manypeople often seek ways to reduce weight after the holidays areover.This is not a time for panic: crash diets and extreme exerciseprograms almost always fail and should be avoided. Weight lossshould always be part of a sensible balanced program of exerciseand diet and most experts agree that moderation and consistencyare better than excess.Strategies to Prevent Weight GainTo help prevent weight gain it is important to assess yourbehavior and environment and adopt healthy habitsThe amount and types of foods you eat, and your physical activityhabits are important factors in controlling weight. Theenvironment in which you live may also contribute to the adoptionof poor eating or exercise habits. This is especially true intoday's society, which is dominated by speed and convenience.For example, escalators, elevators and remote-control appliancesmake us less physically active and walking is less frequent thanin prior years. Also, greater availability of foods that arehigh in calories, fat and added sugars, and larger portion sizespromote unhealthy eating behaviors.In addition, reputable organizations, government agencies andindependent researchers agree on the importance of adoptinghealthy habits to prevent weight gain.Effective weight management involves behavior modification whichis a lifelong commitment and includes at least two components:Healthful eating in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines forAmericans, emphasizing a reduction in total calories, a loweredfat consumption, and an increase in vegetables, fruits and wholegrains, is an essential part of weight control.Increased frequent and regular physical activity of at leastmoderate intensity is also required.Health professionals also recommend a prescription for health andweight loss that includes: * Moderate physical activity on most days of the week of atleast 30 minutes per day for adults and 60 minutes per day forchildren. * Eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, andreasonable portion sizes at home, in schools, at worksites, andin communities. * Drinking at least eight glasses of pure water.In addition to exercise and a healthy diet, the use of Wu longtea (also spelled oolong tea or wu long tea) is growing inpopularity as a wholesome and flavorful way to limit weightgain.Will drinking Wu long tea really help lose weight?For many, Wu long tea is a helpful addition to a comprehensiveweight loss program. Wu long tea tastes good, contains healthbenefits that lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels and a cupof Wu long tea in the morning can serve as a reminder of ahealthy life style.Wu Long tea has become a premium weight loss tea that many arediscovering for the first time. If you have never enjoyed thegreat taste and slimming health benefits it is known for, you aretruly missing an incredible opportunity. Originating in theFujian Province of China, Wu Long tea has gradually beenintroduced into Western culture. Of all the tea, Wu Longrepresents the Chinese culture best.Those who enjoy the flavor and rich aroma unique to slimming WuLong tea truly understand the art of drinking it - slowly anddelicately. Using a tiny teapot and small teacup, they areinheriting a rich tradition, started by the Chinese generationsago. The health benefits of Wu long tea are many: * Rich in Theaflavin, Tea Polysaccharides and Tea Catechin,antioxidants that assist in the reduction of plaque in thearteries, in lowering cholesterol and in producing slimmingeffects. * Helps regulate blood sugar levels for diabetics. * Burns 2.5 times more calories than Green Tea, ideal for weightloss. * Promotes clear, youthful looking skin.Scientific studies have established that tea is high inhealth-promoting polyphenols that protect us against cancer andother diseases. Wu long tea is particularly high in "polymerizedpolyphenols" which according to recent studies helps to increaseenergy expenditure.One recent study found that energy expenditure increased by 10%for a period of 2 hours after drinking wu long tea. This wassignificantly higher than the energy expenditure observed afterdrinking other types of tea.Another study found that wu long tea can suppress lipidmetabolism which has the effect of suppressing fatty accumulationand body weight increases. The study concludes that long-termconsumption of wu long tea is beneficial for the suppression ofdiet induced obesity.Health-promoting compounds such as polyphenols and catechins arepresent in all types of tea, but hand picked wu long tea is thebest source because the pickers are selecting the best leavesfrom the tea plant. Machine harvesting is indiscriminate andshould be avoided - older leaves and twigs are harvested alongwith the newer leaves.Wu long tea is not a miracle cure for weight problems. Weightloss involves following a sensible, healthy diet, and a change inlifestyle to include an adequate amount of exercise. Wu long teahowever, can give you the extra boost to help in your weight lossplans, but it must be used as part of an overall strategy toimprove your living habits.Enjoy the holidays and the festivities involved, don't undertakecrash weight loss programs and adopt a healthy lifestyleincluding Wu long tea!-------------------------------------------------------Jon M. Stout is Chairman of the Golden MoonTea Company. For more information about tea,( green tea ( and black tea go to